About Operación San Andrés
Operación San Andrés is a nonprofit charitable organization fulfilling the vision of Dr. Luis A. Campos and his wife Ruth. Our ministry efforts are focused on the residents of Collique, an underserved community located in the foothills of the Andes Mountains on the outskirts of Lima, Peru. The mission of Operación San Andrés is to alleviate the effects of poverty in Peru by transforming families through the love of Christ. To achieve this goal, our staff in Collique develops and manages sustainable programs that meet physical needs, build healthy relationships, and create spiritual transformation.
Health & Wellness

Health Care
Since 2004, our twice-yearly mission trips have provided medical, dental, and eye care to thousands of adults and children. We provide medications and eyeglasses free of charge and give residents access to telemedicine throughout the year.

Our Educational Enrichment Program supplies children ages 6 to 11 with well-balanced lunches planned by a nutritionist. It is often the only nutritious meal the children receive all day. We also sponsor nutrition and cooking classes for families.

Women's Health & Safety
We combat domestic violence and mental abuse by educating women and training them to educate others around them. We also work to improve women’s lives, mental health and self-esteem by providing classes on hygiene, wellness, entrepreneurship and marketable skills.
Family Support

Healthy Families
Throughout the year we provide classes on parenting, marriage enrichment, and home management. We also sponsor recreational and cultural outings, as well as holiday gatherings, to promote mutual respect, better communication, shared responsibilities, and positive family bonding.

Christian Fellowship
We aim to share the love of Christ by embodying Christian values in all we do. Every program is an opportunity for fellowship, and we do all we can to foster Christian community. We established Luz de Esperanza Church in 2014. In addition to weekly worship services, the church provides Bible studies, counseling and a variety of programs for children and youth.

Educational & Cultural Enrichment
We believe education is key to escaping poverty. Our Educational Enrichment Program teaches math, reading, writing, and computer skills to children ages 6 to 11 each weekday, integrating fitness, hygiene, social skills, and mental health. We also offer music and drama classes and sponsor cultural enrichment field trips to zoos, museums, the theater, and historical sites.
Community Improvement

To help more families in Collique enjoy the security of a steady income, we support the formation of microenterprises. These businesses have given many people their first experience in budgeting, bookkeeping, managing a bank account, and creating a business plan.

Vocational Training
Our vocational training teaches business skills, computer skills, and income-producing skills such as baking, sewing, and jewelry making. Up to now we have focused mainly on women; however, we see opportunities to provide vocational training to recent high-school graduates and other young adults.

Since 2007, our volunteers have built or renovated several houses each year. The houses are a life-changing improvement over the makeshift dwellings of most of Collique’s residents, providing healthy living conditions, sanitation, privacy, and protection from the elements.
Collique Needs You
Operación San Andrés needs your help as we continue providing life-changing support to underserved people in Peru. Please consider joining us in our mission of improving lives, transforming families, and building a better future in Collique.

Financial Support
Operación San Andrés depends on generous donations from individuals, churches, and other organizations that share our vision of showing Christian love and compassion in practical ways to marginalized people in Peru. We keep our overhead low so the vast majority of funds go directly to programs that improve lives in Collique.

Mission Trips
Operación San Andrés usually sponsors two mission trips a year. These include medical, dental, and eye care clinics, Vacation Bible School, and construction projects. Mission trips can also be sponsored by other groups such as churches and university programs.

We are always seeking partnerships with groups and individuals that share our understanding of cultural sensitivity and our holistic approach to poverty relief. Our partners provide life-changing aid to the community of Collique, and they also find their own lives enriched by the relationships formed in our unique, cross-cultural approach to mission service.